Hello everyone, I am an engineer by trade, retired. I studied Electrical Engineering and Digital Signal Processing at Georgia Tech in the early 80’s. Speech processing was a relatively new thing back then and not nearly as developed as it is today. Like a lot of engineers my career evolved and I ended up in the Avionics industry developing software for navigation equipment. It was fascinating work that blended my interest in electronics and software, I enjoyed it very much.
A friend told me not too long ago that retirement is only a career change. I believe that. I needed a purpose other than chasing my many interests. I needed to get back to a routine, something I could look forward to every week. An article I read about part time jobs during retirement mentioned a number of online tutoring services, including tutor.com. It wasn’t easy but I eventually became qualified to tutor Algebra and Geometry through their organization. Tutoring is a lot of fun and gets me back to solving problems, some easy, some challenging.
Since then I’ve also looked for more personal ways to tutor math to individuals. I recently took a part time position with the local Community College to help students during the day. This has proven to be even more rewarding. Students of all ages and walks of life come in for help.
I have no idea where this blog will lead me. I have other interests that I’m sure I’ll be sharing in my blog. Fishing, and wood working are foremost among them.
Wish me luck…